Expats In Belize

Author: Expat Belize

Arizona Expat cooling off with fresh coconut water in Belize

Fresh Coconut Water in Belize. Our new cowboy friend took his machete and chopped a coconut from the tree. I watched as he chopped each of us a fresh coconut.

Belize Time

Belize Expat News. Time is the common currency of all in the world. We all have 86,400 seconds each day to spend. Once they are gone

Belize Basketball Team

Basketball in Belize. I bumped into the Basketball team at the airport getting ready to embark on a trip to Guatemala to defend Belize and make Belizean’s proud.

Belize Seafood. Dave the Fishman in San Ignacio Town Belize

Belize Seafood. Dave is an expatriate from Scotland living in Belize for many years now. He loves stories, reading, and making lots of friends from all over the world.

Taste of Belize Competition

Taste of Belize. “Taste of Belize” is Belize’s “signature culinary competition” geared at developing the Culinary Arts in Belize

Lucas Botanical. On his farm he grows medicinal plants, fruit trees and vegetables organically.

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